Author. Speaker. Podcaster. Bible Teacher.


I am not a professional speaker, I am just a woman who has experienced God in such a way that I cannot NOT tell it.
— Dot

Dot Bowen is an author, speaker, Bible teacher and podcaster based in Atlanta, Ga. As a graduate of Bible Training for Christian Leaders, Dot has been ministering to women for over 20 years. She loves seeing women understand truth, live in freedom, and experience God's love.

For as many years as she can remember, God has been bringing her back around these three words: KNOW. LOVE. FOLLOW. This is the very essence of Dot’s heart in ministry to women. She teaches and equips women to KNOW Jesus in truth, to LOVE Him wholeheartedly and to FOLLOW Him faithfully.

Every Wednesday, Dot and her daughter, Cara, sit down together to discuss Scripture and Truths on her podcast, Write this Down! With Dot Bowen. What began as a simple conversation between a Mom and daughter has now become a weekly podcast which reaches thousands of listeners and a dozen countries worldwide. Whether Dot is teaching, speaking, or simply grabbing coffee with a dear friend, she can often be heard saying with excitement, “Write This Down!” Her hope is that you take the things she asks you to write down, before the Lord, and ask Him to open your eyes to His truth and love.

Dot wrote her first book, The Race Marked Out For Us, where she shares how God used a half marathon to lovingly reveal hard truths and give her fresh insight into her spiritual journey. In The Race Marked Out for Us, you’ll uncover powerful truths about your own spiritual race and emerge feeling equipped to run your own race with endurance.

Dot and her husband, Howard, have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. She is a contributing author for and

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